Terracotta requires a pickaxe to harvest, otherwise it will drop nothing.

Simply place 8 blocks around the edge of a crafting table interface, with the desired dye in the middle square (as pictured). Terracotta can be dyed many different colors, similar to wool, concrete powder, and glass. Terracotta can be smelted using a Furnace to produce Glazed Terracotta. However, the terracotta block itself will be destroyed in the process. A block of terracotta, when one meter away from a creeper explosion, will protect any blocks behind it. Follow the below steps to fix these errors. The Hardened Clay Block (also called stained clay) is a block that was added in 1.6.1 for PC, 0.9.0 in Pocket Edition.
#Terracotta minecraft code
If the Terracotta Error Code goes away, you may get the Glowstone Error Code. This occurs from time to time and it is very much fixable. Terracotta has the same blast resistance as most other stone blocks, which is significantly higher than a regular block of clay. The Terracotta Error Code is an error that occurs when Minecraft is unable to sign in with your Microsoft Account. However, it can only be gathered by using a pickaxe, or it will simply be destroyed. First, gather some mud blocks and put them on top of another block with the pointed dripstone right below.

When terracotta is broken, it drops itself. You can farm terracotta in Minecraft by using mud blocks, water, and some pointed dripstone. Orange and blue terracotta also generates as a part of desert temples. Terracotta generates naturally in badlands biomes in large quantities, but it can also be created by smelting a regular clay block in a furnace or blast furnace.